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The Great Reset And A Liberal World Order

"Totalitarianism in it's essence, is an attempt at transforming reality into fiction."

— Hannah Arendt

According to Arendt, the appeal of totalitarian ideologies is their ability to promise "protection," from the dangers of man's dark tendencies, which emerged after World War I and the Great Depression. Whole societies became more receptive to these ideas. These ideas are of course fictional, and the success of totalitarianism hinges on the ability to effectively obscure the distinctions between reality and fiction. One way this is accomplished is through propaganda by all available channels, primarily, mainstream media.

Hannah Arendt’s seminal work, "The Origins of Totalitarianism," makes for sobering reading in the world we see developing around us in the year 2022. Indeed, we find ourselves in an impasse of epic proportions where the essence of who we are as a nation, as founded, is in a perilous position.

Although it is hard to accept that forces move around us laboring for world domination, we find ourselves once again under the danger of totalitarian regimes comparable to those we know so well from the early 20th century. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that we are faced with a global paradigm that brings forth steadily expanding totalitarian tendencies, and these need not be intentionally maliciously but their result would be the same, the subjugation of the human race on a global scale.

The modern-day drivers of inevitable totalitarianism—Klaus Schwab's WEF and the Great Reset, for example—are, for the most part, convinced with the support of the gullible masses, that they are doing the right thing for humanity because they claim to know what is best for the people in a time of existential crises, some very real and some manufactured .

Totalitarianism is a political ideology that can easily spread in society without much of the population at first noticing it and before it is too late. In her book, Hannah Arendt meticulously describes the genesis of the totalitarian movements that ultimately grew into the totalitarian regimes of 20th century Europe and Asia, and the unspeakable acts of genocide and crimes against humanity this ultimately resulted in.

As Arendt would certainly warn us against, we should not be misled by the fact that we do not see in the American today any of the atrocities that were the hallmark of the totalitarian regimes of Communism under Stalin or Mao and Nazism under Hitler. These events were all preceded by a gradually spreading mass ideology and subsequent state-imposed ideological campaigns and measures.

These campaigns and measures were actions aimed at permanent surveillance and ultimately, a step-by-step exclusion of certain people from society because they posed a "risk” to others, such as gun owners, or dared to think outside of what was considered the acceptable thought or imposed orthodoxy of the moment, such as "men can get pregnant."

Polish lawyer and Member of the European Parliament, Ryszard Legutko, leaves no doubt that there are worrying similarities between many of the dynamics in Communist totalitarian regimes and modern day liberal- progressivism, when he observes: “Communism and liberal democracy proved to be all-unifying entities compelling their followers how to think, what to do, how to evaluate events, what to dream, and what language to use.” This is also the dynamics we see at work on the attempt at a globalized society today.

American Politicians and journalists, interested in human freedom, democracy and the rule of law, should carefully read Chapter 11 on “The Totalitarian Movement” in Hannah Arendt’s much-acclaimed book. She explains how long before totalitarian regimes take actual power and establish complete control, their architects and enablers in the media, have already been patiently preparing society—not necessarily in a coordinated way or with that end-goal in mind—for the takeover.

The totalitarian mentality itself, is driven by the aggressive and at times violent promotion of a certain dominant ideology, through relentless propaganda, censorship, and groupthink. It also always includes major economic and financial interests. Such a process then results in an ever more omnipotent state, assisted by a host of unaccountable groups such a vast bureaucracy of unelected officials unaccountable to the people, international institutions and corporations, that claims to have a patent on truth and language and on knowing what is good for its citizens and society as a whole.

So, what then, is totalitarianism? It is a system of government, or a system of increasing control otherwise implemented, presenting itself in different forms and at different levels of society, that tolerates no individual freedom or independent thought and that ultimately seeks to totally subordinate and direct all aspects of the individual human life. In other words, totalitarianism is a state in which nothing can be permitted to exist that contradicts a state imposed ruling ideology.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in his book, The Gulag Archipelago: "And the lie has, in fact, led us so far away from a normal society that you cannot even orient yourself any longer; in its dense, gray fog not even one pillar can be seen," we are on the ledge of the precipice of despair and looking down into the abyss of totalitarianism.

We are on the verge of losing our country, our freedoms and possibly our very lives, not at the hands of foreign invading armies, but at the hands of our elected officials, the CEOs of international corporations and social media giants, the WEF' globalists, and last but not least, our very neighbors, friends and family members, who perpetually vote for the one political party who will not only crush our spirit of independence and self sufficiency, but also enslave our minds to the orthodoxies of the state.

Inspired by the work of Academy of Ideas, the writings of Christiaan Alting von Geusau and Hannah Arendt

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