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Secular Progressivism, The Three Siblings

Writer's picture: Right America MediaRight America Media

Today, the adjective “Fascist” is an epithet often mixed promiscuously with “white supremacist,“ and used by the ruling establishment Democrats, and their psychophants in the “Axis of Dilettantes,“ the Media, Hollywood and Academia, to besmirch, marginalize and disempower conservatives, or whoever challenges them in the arena of ideas or exposes their hypocrisy.

However, most Americans don’t realize that three sister ideologies flourished during the early 20th century, two in Europe and one in America, with shared similarities, various degrees of differences, and even interaction between them.

These sister ideologies basically emerged around the same period. Communism (Soviet Socialism), Fascism (German and Italian Socialism), and 20th Century Progressivism (American Socialism). Oh yes it is true. Only the one not inclined to territorial conquest, the American version, survives today, as the ChiCom and DPRK models are very different in their own fashion from the Soviet‘s. China’s is a blend of Commie-Crony-Capitalism, and North Korea’s is a veneration and devotion to a God-like leader, or a Cult in layman’s term.

The ignorance of this is not entirely the fault of most Americans, as this information has been subdued and intentionally omitted, from school books and avoided in intellectual discussions, for decades now. But it’s verifiable if you are willing to research it. Again I must warn you not to rely on modern information sources like Google and Wikipedia. Those websites, among too many others, are compromised by deception that takes advantage of the credulity of the uninformed. Googles and Wikipedia, both obtain their information from progressive and far-left sources, therefore omitting anything that challenges the accuracy and validity of what they present. With that said, let’s begin.

The roots of progressivism are largely in the religious movements of the early 1800’s and the Reform movements that followed Reconstruction of the South, and lasted until the American entry into World War I. To be fair, late 19th century Progressivism, was an effort to cure many of the ills of American society that had developed during the great spurt of industrial growth in the last quarter of that century.

But early 20th century American Progressivism, can be said, was imbued with strong political overtones when it co-opted the Marxist philosophy of centralization of power and social planning. At this time, Progressivism also rejected the church as the driving force for change in Society. Ironically, this is Stalinism at a time when Stalin, was an enemy. But Stalin was perceived ONLY as a threat, in the sense of competition for power in the world’s Geo-political stage, nothing else.

In essence, American Progressivism has more in common with it‘s sister ideology, Fascism than Communism. Generally, both Progressivism and Fascism, focus on the advancement of science, technology, merging of big business with government for economic development, and social organization to improve the human condition. But all that comes at the cost of individual freedoms and the overreaching power of the omnipotent state intruding on every aspect of your life from cradle to grave.

American Progressive hero and President, FDR, was so impressed with Benito Mussolini‘s Italian Fascism, that he sent an American delegation to Italy under his trusted Advisor, Rexford Tugwell, to study it. Tugwell, upon his return from Italy said: “Fascism is the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I’ve ever seen. It makes me envious.” In fact, FDR’s National Recovery Act (NRA), aka Blue Eagle Campaign, the most important of his New Deal programs, were directly modeled on Italian fascism.

Furthermore, FDR’s man to run the NRA (not the pro-2A organization) was General Hugh Johnson, who was such an avowed admirer of Fascism, that he even carried a fascist propaganda pamphlet, “The Structure of the Corporate State,” written by one of Mussolini’s top lieutenants, Giovanni Gentile, a major intellectual of Fascism. Although Benito Mussolini, Fascism’s artificer and personifier, died in 1945, ironically enough at the hands of Italian Communists, Fascism’s socio-political paradigm, the “administrative state,“ is very much alive and revered in our present time, represented by none other than the Democrat Party, of course.

Unlike the Democrats’ long recorded, but conveniently ignored, history of racism, Mussolini didn’t care about race. One of his principal tasks was to lead Lombards and Sicilians, Venetians, Romans, and Neapolitans—some of whom spoke mutually unintelligible dialects and who looked quite different, had different habits, and who generally did not like each other—into feeling as part of the same nation. It can be said that, the only difference between FDR’s Progressivism and Mussolini‘s Fascism, was the inherent racism of the Democrats. Some of which, was adopted by the Nazis in their “Nuremberg Laws,” or policies towards Jews. But that’s a topic for another day.

After Franklin Roosevelt’s inauguration in 1933, Mussolini’s enthusiasm for likening the New Deal to fascism’s political-economic order, was tempered only by the need not to give additional ammunition to FDR’s domestic opponents, who were saying precisely that. Yet, ab initio, he made clear that “the spirit of [FDR’s program] resembles fascism’s since, having recognized that the state is responsible for the people’s economic well-being, it no longer allows economic forces to run according to their own nature.”

Mussolini also published a glowing review of U.S. Agriculture Secretary (eventually Vice President) Henry Wallace’s 1934 book, “New Frontiers.“ Fascists rejoiced in that FDR, had forsaken traditional American liberalism for corporativist principles, and that the world’s most powerful country, the country most admired by Italians, had taken the trail that they, the Fascists, had blazed.

Until 1935, the Democrats did not hide their administration’s kinship with what the Fascists and Communists were doing to redirect the societies over which they ruled. Even then Secretary of the Interior, Harold Ickes, observed that: “What we are doing in this country is analogous to what is being done in Russia and even under Hitler, in Germany. The only thing is that [we] do it methodically.” FDR himself referred to Mussolini and Stalin as “blood brothers,” and spoke of having private contacts with Mussolini and I quote: “Mussolini is interested in what we are doing, and I am struck by how much of his doubtless honest programs to reform Italy he has accomplished.”

By 1942, in Wickard v. Filburn (still law today), the SCOTUS approved regulation of all manner of enterprise with reasoning stricter than any Mussolini had dreamed of in 1926. Today, by the same token, Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s proposed “Accountable Capitalism Act” would also force corporations to enroll into a legal scheme in which the government would force them to take in various government regulators as stakeholders. Such American legislative Fascist tools are far more powerful than the Italian Fascist billy clubs of yesteryear.

Mussolini’s invasion of Ethiopia, and Britain’s reaction to it, started the chain of events that led to World War II in Europe and, incidentally, to Mussolini’s own grotesque end. Fast forward to today, and we have a Democrat Party whose history is not only deeply rooted in institutional racism, but also in Fascism. Many are we who don’t even recognize this essential truth.

In conclusion, I understand the uneasiness of most of us to accept the totality of this revelation. You don’t have to believe me. This information is still available from historical records if you are willing to pursue the truth. The question is this. Is it too late to save America when the real Fascists don’t even realize they are the Fascists they accuse others to be? Can America be saved when our social-economic practices are soo deeply engrained in Fascist Socialism? Does any of this even matter? To you? You tell me.

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