The storm was lowering and some saw it. The war had begun and only some knew it.”
― parody of American Gods
Everything the Australian, Israeli and Canadian governments are doing in terms of using force to brutally put down all resistance to their draconian Covid mandates and restrictions, are things the current regime in Washington not only wants to do, but claims it has the legal authority to do. The Biden administration has revealed Emperor Biden has been in discussions about closing down interstate travel to the unvaxxed and barring them from air travel. In the new Amerika, these are “privileges,” they tell us, not rights. Make no mistake, If they believe they can get away with it, they will do it.
Australia, Canada and Israel are the models for the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset." A system designed to tag, track and monitor the behavior of every human being as if they were a unit of livestock. This global reset demands your total obedience. As Biden loves to remind us with his “build back better” mantra, which he adopted from the Forum's slogan, he and his people are fully on board with the Great Reset, as laid out by the WEF and now being implemented in Australia, Israel, Germany, Canada and other countries.
So, Americans need to prepare now for the day when the regime in Washington goes full Fascist. In fact, some are already describing the scenes in Australia as a civil war. Too bad the Aussies gave up their rights to own firearms years ago, because I truly believe Biden would have already launched similar crackdowns if he didn’t have the Second Amendment to contend with. But again, don’t be fooled. The globalist cabal to which Biden answers, will continue to move the Great Reset deconstruction of America forward. He just has to go about it more craftily and stealthily than his counterparts in Australia and Israel.
If you don’t believe the U.S. federal government claims the authority to round up and detain its political enemies under the guise of a health emergency, please take a gander at the sweeping powers Congress has granted to the federal health bureaucracy. According to the CDC Website, Congress granted authority to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which then “delegated” this power to the CDC to: "establish quarantine and isolation protocols [internment camps]."
The CDC also claims it has the right to use state and local police to “enforce” these protocols. The CDC makes no bones about the nature of its assumed powers when it states, rather bluntly:
"In addition to serving as medical functions, isolation and quarantine, also are ‘police power’ functions, derived from the right of the state to take action affecting individuals for the benefit of society."
The federal government claims this right and authority for isolation and quarantine, derives from the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution:
“Under section 361 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S. Code § 264), the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services is authorized to take measures to prevent the entry and spread of communicable diseases from foreign countries into the United States and between states: The authority for carrying out these functions on a daily basis has been delegated to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).”
The above quote is bureaucratic lingo for a boot on your face. The CDC goes on to say:
“Public health authorities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels may sometimes seek help from police or other law enforcement officers to enforce a public health order.”
Constitutional attorney, John Whitehead, was asked if the CDC’s claim of unilateral authority to operate internment camps is legitimately derived from the U.S. Constitution’s commerce clause, and would this be a legitimate use of police powers? "Not as the people who wrote the Constitution saw it, but as the people in Congress today see it, and in the courts, yes,” said Whitehead, president and founder of the Rutherford Institute. "The founders wrote the Constitution in such a way as to establish separation of powers, so power would not rest in the hands of any single person or entity — but now it does. All power is in the hands of the deep state.”
Although the CDC does not use the word “camps” on the web page cited above, they do use the word “detain.” Whitehead investigated this issue for his 2015 book Battlefield America and concluded that the camps were already in place. In 2006 the Bush administration awarded a $385 million contract to KBR Corp. a subsidiary of Haliburton, to build the detention centers. This is documented on page 54 of Whitehead’s Battlefield America: The War on the American People:
“We called the government agency that let the contract and asked if this was for camps and they would not respond. I talked to a former NSA agent who said they’ve built them but they’re on military bases and they’re ready to go. There are a lot of private prisons run by corporations that could be used as internment camps as well. So they’re already there, and with the president being able to declare a national emergency, such Proclamation #7463 [George W. Bush in 2001], and Congress has never reviewed any of these emergencies to see if they’re justified, it’s going to happen. And they can work with the local police to pull this off.”
The CDC further states that “Isolation and quarantine help protect the public by preventing exposure to people who have or may have a contagious disease.” May have a contagious disease? Did you catch that clever choice of words? You could be completely healthy, but if the government declares you “may” carry a contagion, it claims the right to have you isolated and interned somewhere away from your home.
Another key word in the above-quoted CDC verbiage is “protect.” It’s critical to note that in Joe Biden’s Sept. 9 nationally televised speech in which he announced shot mandates for all federal workers and all private-sector workers at companies with 100 or more employees, he said his objective was to “protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated.”
While that statement made no logical or scientific sense, it made perfect sense from the standpoint of the new American dictatorship’s political agenda, the onset of which I believe was announced in that Sept. 9 speech. Biden’s choice of words — he’s “protecting the vaccinated” — sets the stage for a future rounding up of unvaxxed Americans.
The Bible says that in the end times a system, global in scope, will arise and deceive many. That system will demand that every human being on the planet, rich and poor, slave and free, take its “mark,” either in their right hand or their forehead, and this mark will be required in order to buy, sell or conduct commerce of any kind. Will this be a literal mark, as so many preachers, novelists and filmmakers suggest? It could be but I wouldn’t bank on it. The head represents your mind or how you think. The hand represents your actions. Do you think and act in concert with the rising one-world system?
The gene-based injections are likely not the mark but they appear to be an important precursor. The digital vaccine passports being rolled out worldwide represent an even bigger leap, in my opinion, toward the mark. But one can see how all of these seemingly isolated steps are tied together in a chain that inevitably leads to the mark. Anyone who accepts the vaccine has made that first critical decision that aligns them with the world’s advancing governing system.
Some did it innocently and will redeem themselves by rebelling against vaccine passports and refusing to work for, or do business with, any entity that requires people to show their digital papers. These digital papers this will start out as a health passport app on your cellphone but will evolve into a biometric global ID system tied to one’s bank account.
While some of the vaccinated will rebel and come over from the dark side, don’t expect this to happen en masse. Don’t expect millions to suddenly grow a spine, take a stand for freedom and refuse to participate in the burgeoning digital money system that’s connected to the digital health system. Very few have courage. That’s why they accepted the vaccine in the first place.
The American Left and globalists live in an echo chamber of their own absurd fantasies. They don’t understand that regardless of the passing of any laws Americans will not comply. In their sanctimonious hubris, they fail to understand what will happen if they resort to task the National Guard and LEOs to force their will upon Americans. This is not Britain’s commonwealth of Australia, the former penal colony turned penal colony again by Covid mandates. This is not the commonwealth of Canada or New Zealand with similar draconian mandates. Here in America, we have a history of non-compliance to tyranny. We have a history of violence.
We aren’t going to waste our time with civil disobedience. The left is foolish in their desires and recklessly ignorant of the consequences. The Democrats want a war. Everything they do is a provocation. They are getting desperate. They are just trying to provoke a kinetic response. But timing is on our side. As I have said before, the issue with a patriotic rebellion is that it is largely dependent on the timing. Go too soon or in not enough numbers, and you look like the villain and lose a chance to gain public support, and you will be crushed by the power of the government using the very forces that would otherwise ally themselves with patriotic rebels, which is what this globalist administration wants.
Americans are a patient citizenry. But the American fighting spirit can only be contained for so long. Every unconstitutional mandate or action imposed on Americans pulls on the lid of the bottle of justified rage and once the Genie is freed, there will be blood.