History lovers know very well that when talking of the current cultural war, it is almost an obligation to analyze the historical cases where culture has served to unify and such is the case of ancient Rome, called not in vain "axis mundi" (axis of the world) that same Rome that, like the old United States, was multi-ethnic but not multi-cultural. Old because this is no longer the case.
Take the case, for example of Lusius Quietus, who was of Berber origin, or Philip the Arab, who coming from Shahba (Syria) and Arab by maternal line, came to occupy the highest dignity of the Empire. In Rome, ethnic origin did not matter, but respect for the new common Homeland, formal affiliation and voluntary submission to its laws, was in order to become a citizen.
In those times the expansion of the values of civilization, any civilization without the sword, was unthinkable. Furthermore, adopting the philosophy of the Greeks and their concept of ''logos,“ or the Intelligence that directs, orders, and gives harmony to the changes that are produced in a war that generates existence in itself, was a tangible reality.
Rome knew how to be efficient in the construction of an Empire valuing and using the different systems of government (Monarchy, Aristocracy and Democracy). This feeling and collective work would reach its maximum level by collaborating in spreading the Evangelical message, the Rome that was once rabidly anti-Christian, would become its greatest promoter thanks to Emperor Constantine. In essence, a new expansion without the sword.
As the Bible says: “God makes all things new.“ This process is well summed up in the words of Pope Benedict XVI in September 2011: “The culture of Europe was born from the encounter between Jerusalem, Athens and Rome; of the encounter between the faith in the God of Israel, the philosophical reason of the Greeks and the juridical thought of Rome''. Profound words indeed. The reality is that the prevalence of Roman action—later reaching its maximum potential with Christianity.
Although Rome as such, no longer exists, and Christians have learned that expansion must be peaceful, colonialism in various forms continues to exist and the most dangerous of them is, what I have called "generational cultural colonialism." This consists of a cultural imposition on previous generations, which are comparable to the conquered peoples, this imposition is often vindictive-revanchist, and is extended in a war against reason itself, a war wanting to impose the irrational over the rational.
The strong subjectivity and emotionality of the new generations, entails a bad exercise of freedom, which must always go hand in hand with justice, since those who exercise their freedom, to the detriment of the majority, pressing, intimidating or frightening through the irrational and politically correct exercises of the tyranny of minority, whether they know it or not. All this could not have been achieved without a crisis of authority, since authority figures have confused tolerance with “anomie“ and “love“ as something that should not be regulated by the virtue of prudence.
Making a “mea culpa“ to this, we have arrived as a society, to not having known how to integrate and respect those who are different. We have gone from their absolute exclusion to their unconditional integration without a normative order.
Our current challenge in the modern cultural war and war against reason is to—according to Saint Augustine, always tell the truth but with love, or in his own words "the truth must be told with love, but love must not prevent truth be told.“
Colonialism has had positive cases throughout history. Let's look at the case of the Italians around the world, such as in Africa or South America, who established colonies under authentic mutually beneficial cooperation, such was the case in 1920 of Prince Luigi di Savoia, Duke of Abruzzi , who founded in Somalia the colonial agricultural village center of activity of the "Società Agricola Italo-Somala", the most flourishing industry in all of East Africa until 1991, a policy of positive colonialism that was later adopted by his nephew, Prince Amedeo di Savoia, Viceroy of Ethiopia, and a soldier to whom their English enemy, awarded him the Honor of Arms medal.
But colonialism also has had a negative side that persists to this day, in the words of the current Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni:
''It is the colonial currency that France prints for 14 African nations—the CFA Franc, to which it applies Seigniorage and by virtue of which, it exploits the resources of these Nations. Burkina Faso is one of the poorest Nations in the world. To them France will print its colonial currency and in exchange, France wants 50% of everything that Burkina Faso exports to end up in the French Treasury. So the solution is not to take the Africans and move them to Europe. The solution is to free Africa from certain Europeans who exploit it and allow these people to live off what they have''.
But why is colonialism still a force? It is because of globalization, which is not only a political phenomenon, but the desire for unity in the human being that originates from his spiritual being. There is the desire to be one people under one God. In essence, one flock under one Shepherd, the Almighty. This desire transferred to the political order, can only be applied through the respect of sovereignties and by seeking harmony among Nations but not their homogenization.
Despite the erroneous concept of globalism proposed by oligarchs of the elites, we know quite well that we are here for a reason, therefore we have a purpose and in fulfilling it, will not only overthrow the NWO, but their God himself, globalism, which despite having centuries of planning and all the billions in the world, it will fail.
Globalism will fail because their well-calculated plans, even if predictive modeling is done with the best super computers and AI, the surprise factor provided will always be human nature. Another never contemplated factor is the mystery of the good that is God, Who is not absent but Who is the most silent and strongest presence that exists. Our Lord began with only twelve apostles and He continues to care for his flock.