Right America Media
Apr 24, 20223 min read
Enemy Within
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less...
Right America Media
Apr 20, 20223 min read
How The Puppet Master Obama Returns?
If I may be allowed the latitude, I would like to state right up front that this piece will be controversial. Not by design, but rather...

Right America Media
Apr 20, 20224 min read
Public Education, Fifty Years of Anti-American Indoctrination
Ever wonder how we got where we are today? How it is that our young hate our country, our history, and our heroes with such unmitigated...

Right America Media
Apr 8, 20223 min read
American Oligarchy
If it has become painfully obvious to you, that the country you thought you lived in, doesn't exist, or at least it hasn't in a decade...

Karen Kataline
Apr 5, 20222 min read
There is no “woman” but you’d better defend her honor
Our newest pop culture distraction (Quick! or you’ll miss it!) is the controversy over Will Smith and the slap heard ‘round the world’ at...

Right America Media
Mar 25, 20222 min read
The Ukraine, An All Too Willing Participant In The "Great Reset" New World Order
In digitizing and centralizing everything, the Ukrainian government launched in 2020 an application called Diia which brings together...

Brad Kirby
Mar 13, 20225 min read
What do regular, average, everyday American citizens want? Think about that for a minute. What do you want on a regular day? No, I am...

Right America Media
Mar 2, 20224 min read
Kyev And The Rus
Many wonder why the obsession the Russians have with Ukraine. But to shed illumination on that, we must go back over 1000 years. Let's...

Karen Kataline
Mar 2, 20222 min read
War in Ukraine: How do we know what’s true?
How do you know when you know something? Since that could lead to an esoteric conversation from which we may never return, a better...

Karen Kataline
Feb 16, 20223 min read
Dictators won’t suddenly change into ‘humble public servants’
It takes a history of pathology for a person to develop into someone who thinks he is so much better than everyone else that he is...

Jon James
Feb 13, 20225 min read
Middle of the Road Republicans Need Not Apply
The leftist power structure has evil and selfish intent. Our leftist, progressive critics who are detached from reality, are not...

Right America Media
Feb 9, 20222 min read
China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Calls Gun-Related Deaths in U.S. "Human Rights Issue"
Say what you want of Chicago's own Communist agitator, David Saul Alinski, yes the same who offered a young Hillary Clinton a job, but he...

Brad Kirby
Feb 1, 20227 min read
You Think You Know Us?
Last week I was scrolling through different social media platforms and all I continuously saw were posts that were taking shots at...

Right America Media
Jan 29, 20225 min read
Beware Of Those Promising A New Beginning
Two years into this pandemic, the results are in. We are living in a new world. And increasingly, we are seeing, perhaps, the emerging...

Right America Media
Jan 29, 20226 min read
Leftists: The Obsession With Power And Control
The leftists obsession with power and control reminds me of a SciFi movie with Robert Duvall called THX 1138. It is a 1971 American film...

Brad Kirby
Jan 17, 20227 min read
Dishonor in Law Enforcement
“I, (name), do swear, that I will support the Constitution of the United States and that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to...

Right America Media
Jan 14, 20223 min read
What Deep States Operatives Do When They Retire
Have you ever wondered what disgraced former deputy FBI directors do after trying to stage a coup and lying under oath? Apparently, they...

Right America Media
Jan 14, 20222 min read
The Knights Templar, a little history.
The Knights Templar provides one of the most iconic images of the Crusades: a gleaming knight dressed in a white habit emblazoned with a...

Right America Media
Jan 6, 20222 min read
Insurrection Day or Three Magic Kings Day?
Forget about the alleged insurrection of January 6th and instead reflect on the Three Magic Kings Day. The Gospel of Matthew tells the...

Right America Media
Jan 6, 20222 min read
Somber Day In America (read note at the end)
Today, on the somber anniversary of the greatest terrorist attack on American democracy, the insurrectionist storming of the US Capitol,...